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Apr 18, 2022

Get your free copy of Uly Quits His Job!


The novel is Uly Quits His Job.

It’s not about quitting.

It’s about not quitting.

In my book, Uly gives himself a fresh start.

He tries to get back home where he can start over. Along the way, he meets people who help him and others who don’t. Uly works to persevere even as circumstances don’t go his way.

Uly Quits His Job is Southern fiction with Christian themes and a hint of Southern gothic.

Official release date is May 27th.


One very intentional aspect of the story is my desire to celebrate aspects of “the good life.”

What is the good life?

There doesn’t seem to be a concise answer, but I’ll take a stab at it.

The good life includes living in a society where opportunity and options abound for everyone; a society where no individuals are making it unlikely that other individuals can pursue their own interests.

For instance, a society characterized by opportunity and options—one where the good life is possible—would have robust entrepreneurship.

Therefore, I celebrate entrepreneurial businesses in my book. Many of the characters have a business or work for one.

That may sound mundane, but think back to other books you’ve read—or movies or TV shows you’ve watched. Were the characters working for businesses? Was entrepreneurship celebrated?

Furthermore, the good life is not possible unless individuals are free to worship as they choose without coercion or fear of being mocked, discriminated against, or murdered.

If you have the liberty to serve God, participate in a faith community, and express a position of faith freely—or the liberty to not do those things—you have a better chance of being able to successfully seek and find the good life.

Several of the characters in Uly Quits His Job are leaders in Christian ministry. They have started ministries, they go to church, they sing in choirs.

They express their faith confidently.

In my book, I also celebrate classic cars, good breakfasts, interesting people, Georgia, the South, southern cities, and southern accents. Perseverance and not quitting are in there too.

The hardcover edition will be released on May 27th.

The ebook is already available for purchase on Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Barnes & Noble Nook among other outlets.

But you can also get it for free.

I would like for you to enjoy reading Uly Quits His Job and share it with others. For that reason—and to promote the novel to more people—I’m giving it away for free.

My request is that you download the book, read it, and post an honest review of it online anywhere you choose—but wait until May 27th to post the review.

Post your review on May 27th.

Your honest opinion in a review anywhere online on any website in any media is valuable to me. To download the book, I ask for your email address. This will put you on my email list for reminders to post a review on May 27th. That’s about it. You won’t get many emails from me unless you choose to receive updates.

To receive updates from me and get more frequent emails, subscribe to updates on the home page. My email list is where I will be announcing availability of all the other editions of Uly I have planned: Paperback, Large Print Paperback, Audiobook, and Braille editions are in the pipeline. Lots of options in other words.

I believe in options. The good life includes living in a society where options abound.

To request a download of the free Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of Uly Quits His Job, follow these simple steps:

  • Click this link—REQUEST YOUR FREE COPY.
  • The link will take you to a webpage with a form.
  • Enter your email in the form.
  • Watch for an email from me in your inbox.
  • Click the button in the email to confirm your request.
  • Download Uly Quits His Job.

Then read it, craft a brilliant and insightful review, and post it on May 27th.

That’s it.

Thank you for reading all the way to here. If you would like to support my food and shelter habit, you can buy Uly Quits His Job online now.



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